Tuesday, April 17, 2007


7:40 pm -Susan finally managed to use the bathroom without yelping in pain. And.......drum roll......we didn't need help from a nurse. I helped her get to and from. The medication seems to have been worked out now so she is in much less pain. Susan is quite pleased with herself.
Michelle showed up with food from the deli. You should have seen the sandwich she brought for me. I could only eat halve of it for it was so big! I need to find out the name of that place.
Dr. Mont stopped by while Michelle was here. He was saying things about stuff we didn't quite understand. He said Susan's "crit" was a little low. (It is what the word sounded like, but I have no idea if I'm spelling it right. For that manner, if I got the word right.) Michelle thought it had something to do with blood clotting. He said he would come by tomorrow to spend more time. It was very good to see him.

1 comment:

Monet said...

I glad to hear that Susan is progressing. It sounds like you have turned the corner a little bit, at least for now.

Crit is about the blood, so Michelle was right. It's short for Hematocrit which might make it easier for you to 'google' now...

Take care and let Susan know that we are saying prayers for her.