Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday morning -

The house is somewhat loud, in that traffic noise keeps one awake. Thankfully I have earplugs. There are lots of people staying there, with lots of kids. The people that are there seem very happy, so I guess that is a good thing.

Cynthia will be Susan's Occupational Therapist. She evaluated Susan on a bunch of things, and showed her how to do things like how to put on shoes.

Britta - Physical Therapist - She stops by later to also evaluate Susan. Susan is doing well, but is still having trouble getting back into bed.

Rabbi Joseph Katz stopped by for a bit. He is very nice

Susan's best friend Clair came by for a visit. I always enjoy seeing Clair.

more later....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Martin,
I've been keeping up on your posts. I'm printing a copy for Mom so she will be up to speed. Say hi to Susan for me and Paddy.
Love, Norm :)