Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday night

Friday afternoon around 12:30 I got a phone call from my Father-in-law. He tells me there is a dinner being held at Sam's house, and asked me if I wanted to come. Spencer, along with other family members were also going to attend. I thought about it for a second, and said I needed to talk to Susan. Susan and I discussed it, and we decided I would go back to Richmond, and return Sunday. A bunch of people were coming to see her Saturday, and I could prep the house for her homecoming. (Sam - Susan's older brother, and Spencer's father)

I leave for Richmond about 1:40 PM. I get there to pick up Sally and Steve about 5:45. Traffic in NOVA was horrible as usual. We get to Sam's house, and the clan is there in force. It is good to see everyone, and we got to hear from Spencer the details that was not in the news about VT. I'm not at liberty to discuss what was said, so I will leave that part alone.

Saturday I work on the house. The O.T. made a big deal about having a handrail for the steps. I priced what it would cost for iron rail, and it cost $$$$$. My neighbor tells me his cost $12oo. I decided to try wood, and after a full day of trail and error, this is what I came up with. cost - less than $50

It is bolted to the porch in 4 places, and the top and bottom 2x2 are sunk into the ground 18 inches in rock hard dirt. It is quite sturdy. When I get back to the house, I will do the other side of the steps.

Sunday morning I do some other things, like moving furniture around, check the height of chairs, width of doors, stuff like that. In the afternoon I drove back to the hospital.

Susan is doing better now. Her next surgery is scheduled for Monday at 10:30 am. I will try to get the suite again so I can stay with her. I will post more tomorrow.


1 comment:

Sally K Revenson said...

The railing looks terrific and it certainly seems secure.

Sally and I appreciate the railing will be easier for the old folks.