Sunday, April 29, 2007

Were home!

Friday afternoon we get moved up to the 5th floor. This is the Acute Rehab area. Last weekend when Susan was there she had an Occupational Therapy session for 30 minutes Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This is where they teach you how to do everyday things like get dressed. She also had a Physical Therapy session for and hour Saturday morning, another in the afternoon and one Sunday morning. So this was our expectation and the whole reason for us trying to get back up to the Rehab area. So, first thing Saturday morning the P.T gal stops by to do an evaluation. When Susan asks about when she would have P.T. that day, she is told that she may get a P.T. session that afternoon, and probably get a session on Sunday. This did not sit well with us. The whole reason we got on the 5th floor was to get intensive P.T. sessions so Susan would get stronger, and would be able to do things more on her own. Then the O.T. gal stops by for a chat and sees that Susan can already dress and take care of her hygiene needs. Seeing how she would be doing basically nothing for a couple of days, we didn't see the point of staying. Susan had had enough and was ready to come home, so we decided that it was time to get checked out. This was at 10:30am. By the time we finally left it was 2:30pm. But in the meantime Susan's cousins Michelle and Michael came by and helped us get ready to leave. Our many thanks goes to both Michelle and Michael for all the help they gave us.

Now to the trip home. We had Susan setup with the air mattress in the back of the van so she could lay down. Doesn't that sound like a nice idea? Unfortunately it was a lot trickier that it sounds. The air mattress has a felt top, so Susan stuck right to it. But once we put a blanket down we were able to SLOWLY lift her feet and skooch her in. Then it was a matter of getting her situated and comfortable. Finally, we leave the parking lot, make a quick stop a McDonald's and we are on are way for at least 30 minutes. Then we stop for gas. Well, as long as we were stopping, Susan decides this would be a good time to take a bathroom break. On a normal trip this would take maybe 5 minutes. For this occasion it took about 30. First we has to get her our of the back, then use the walker to get inside to the the bathroom. We had parked in a handicapped stop thinking this would make things easier, but it turned out that the bathroom was on the opposite side of the store from the handicap parking, so it was a very long way back and forth. Finally we managed to get back into the van and get on the road to Richmond. Susan soon falls asleep, so the next three hours are blissfully uneventful. We did make one last pit stop before home to get prescriptions filled and then we were finally home!

So, the big news is we are home!


Beth said...

I know you're both glad to be in your own home with your things. I hope things continue to go well with Susan's recovery.

Now that you're back in town, let me know if I can do anything!

Monet said...

Yippee!!! I'm so glad that you guys are back home. It's much nicer to be able to be in your own bed recovering.